I am a self-employed Specialist Personal Trainer who works with people living with a range of chronic health conditions.
My aim is to empower them to improve their health, lifestyle and well-being through a client-focused approach. I offer 1-2-1 sessions, small group training, and a variety of workshops. I am qualified to work with people living with the following conditions:

Specialist Personal Training: 1-2-1 sessions
These can be either face-to-face or online meetings, lasting either 30 or 60 minutes each, with frequency dependent on client goals and availability. An initial appointment will include a discussion on past health and activity experiences, lifestyle, and the important issues which the client wishes to address. A program of action is then drafted, discussed and agreed with the client, and then training sessions commence. The program is usually reviewed every 8-10 weeks.

Specialist Personal Training: Small group sessions
These can be either face-to-face or online meetings, lasting either 45 or 60 minutes. They can take place outside, at a suitable indoor venue, or online in the comfort of your own home. Prior to the commencement of training, a thorough medical history will be taken to enable a safe and effective exercise program to be devised.

Beginners guide to 'Eudaimonic Wellbeing for Health'
A course of 12 sessions based around my scientific PhD research, delivered either in small groups (up to 8 people) or on a 1-2-1 basis. This course can be run either online or face-to-face. The topics covered include self-acceptance, positive relations with others, personal growth, purpose in life, autonomy (decision making), and environmental mastery (adapting your surroundings to best suit). Discussions are based around these elements, taking into account any health conditions which may affect them.

Advanced guide to 'Eudaimonic Wellbeing for Health'
This is offered on a 1-2-1 (online for face-to-face) basis for people who have undergone the Beginners course and wish to take their health and wellbeing to a deeper level. We look in detail about how to improve each area of wellbeing, and undertake practical work to put the learned information into practice.

Creative workshops
A variety of 1-2-1 and small group workshops (face-to-face and online) featuring photography, jewellery making, encaustic art (painting with hot melted waxes), and resin work.

Creative products (coming soon):
Hand-made cards Hand-made jewellery
About Us
I have expert lived experience of obesity, depression, PCOS, under-active thyroid, heart failure, and PTSD. I used to weigh 23.5st (329lbs / 150kg) and then lost 10st in two years (2011-2012) through a 12-step program for compulsive over-eaters and regular exercise. Twelve years on, I have still kept the majority of that weight off.
I have spent the last six years studying for my PhD at Huddersfield University – researching PCOS, obesity, physical activity, and eudaimonic wellbeing.
Since starting Big Picture Living in July 2014, my vision has been to work with people in their totality – body, mind, and spirit – using my lived experience, extensive qualifications, and ongoing knowledge.
I have contributed to radio, newspaper, and various TV programs, as well as co-authoring two book chapters. I have spoken at numerous conferences, and have developed a strong network of people with whom I continue to develop both personally and professionally.

Contact Us
- United Kingdom
- sharon@bigpictureliving.co.uk
- 07741300455